Cardiidae – Trachycardiinae: Acrosterigma cygnorum (Deshayes, 1855) (‘oblique cockle’)
Synonym(s): cygnorum Deshayes, 1855.
Typical shell-length 40 mm. Shell with narrow outline, with or without pink mottling. Lives subtidally and offshore in sand, especially in moderately sheltered environments. Native. Endemic to southeastern and southwestern Australia (QLD, NSW, TAS, VIC, SA and WA). In Tasmanian waters, this species is not uncommon in the N, but rare or absent further S.
Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Order: Veneroida
Superfamily: Carditoidea
Family: Carditidae
Subfamily: Trachycardiinae
Genus: Acrosterigma
Localities for Acrosterigma cygnorum
Beerbarrel Beach
Black River Beach
Black River Beach: northern end
Black River Beach: southern end
Bridport: beach
Clarke Island: Black Point
Clarke Island: Moriarty Bay
Denison Beach: Porch Rocks
East Devonport: Moorland Beach
Flinders Island: Beach S of Big River Road
Flinders Island: Cameron Inlet
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Bay
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Beach: southern end
Flinders Island: Lillies Bay
Flinders Island: Northeast River: mouth
Flinders Island: Patriarch Beach
Flinders Island: Port Davies & Cave Beach
Flinders Island: Trousers Point
Flinders Island (unlocalised)
Flinders Island: White Beach to Dick Davey Shoal
Hellyer Beach
King Island: Fitzmaurice Bay
King Island: Lavinia Beach: beach nr Lake Martha Lavinia
King Island: S coast (unlocalised)
King Island: Yellow Rock Beach
Leith: foreshore
Little Musselroe Bay: Tree Point area
Marion Bay (unlocalised)
North coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
Peggs Beach (unlocalised)
Peggs Beach: western end
Port Sorell (unlocalised)
Ransons Beach
Rheban Beach
Rocky Cape: Forwards Beach
Rocky Cape: Mary Anne Cove area
Rocky Cape: Picnic Beach & rocks to S
South Bruny Island: Adventure Bay (unlocalised)
South Bruny Island: Simpsons Point
Stanley: Anthony Beach
Stanley: East Inlet
Stanley: foreshore
Stanley: Godfreys Beach
Stanley: Tatlows Beach
Tasmania (unlocalised)
The Gardens: Swimcart Beach
Three Hummock Island: Sandy Spit
Tomahawk Beach