Aplysiidae – Aplysiinae: Aplysia (Varria) sydneyensis G. B. Sowerby I, 1869 (‘Sydney sea-hare’)
Synonym(s): sydneyensis Sowerby, 1869 excavata Sowerby, 1869 tasmanica Tenison-Woods, 1876.
Typical body-length 100 mm. Lives subtidally amongst seaweed and seagrass. Native. Endemic to eastern Australia (QLD, NSW, TAS and VIC).
Class: Gastropoda
Subclass: Heterobranchia
Order: Anaspidea
Superfamily: Aplysioidea
Family: Aplysiidae
Subfamily: Aplysiinae
Genus: Aplysia
Localities for Aplysia sydneyensis
Blackmans Bay
Cockle Creek Bay
Coningham: foreshore
D’Entrecasteaux Channel (unlocalised)
Dover: beach
Dunalley (unlocalised)
Glenorchy: Cornelian Bay
Greens Beach: main beach
Hobart: Sandy Bay: Lords Beach & Wrest Point
Hobart: Sandy Bay (unlocalised)
Huon Estuary: foreshore by eastern road
King Island: Sea Elephant Lagoon
Kingston Beach
Lauderdale: Roches Beach
Lauderdale: Seven Mile Beach
Marrawah: Green Point
Marrawah: Green Point Beach
Orford: Luther Point
Pirates Bay: Fossil Island
Port Arthur: Point Puer & beach
Port Davey (unlocalised)
Randalls Bay
Rokeby Beach
Scamander (unlocalised)
Smiths Gulch
South Arm: Fort Beach
Taroona Beach
Tasmania (unlocalised)
Tinderbox Beach