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Molluscs of Tasmania

Turbinidae: Bellastraea squamifera (Koch, 1844) (‘scaly star-shell’)

Synonym(s): squamifera Koch, 1844 kesteveni Iredale, 1924.

Typical shell-length 30 mm. Beached shells are often worn. Lives subtidally amongst seagrass, including in moderately exposed environments. Native. Endemic to southeastern and southwestern Australia (NSW, TAS, VIC, SA and WA). In Tasmanian waters, this is an uncommon species, largely confined to the N coast and Bass Strait islands.

Class: Gastropoda
Subclass: Vetigastropoda
Order: Vetigastropoda
Superfamily: Trochoidea
Family: Turbinidae
Subfamily: Turbininae
Genus: Bellastraea
Localities for Bellastraea squamifera
Black River Beach
Black River Beach: northern end
Black River Beach: southern end
Bridport: Lades Beach
Cape Portland: Home Beach
Cape Portland: Lanoma Point
Cape Portland: Lemons Beach
Cape Portland: Petal Point
Cape Portland: Roses Bay
Clarke Island: Kangaroo Bay to Seal Point
Clayton: foreshore
Devonport: Bluff Beach
Devonport: Coles Beach
Devonport: Don Heads
East Devonport: beach & breakwater
East Devonport: Moorland Beach
East Devonport: Pardoe Beach
East Devonport: Pardoe Point
East Ulverstone
East Ulverstone: Buttons Beach
Flinders Island: Foochow Beach
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Bay
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Beach: southern end
Flinders Island: Killiecrankie Bay (unlocalised)
Flinders Island: Lady Barron: Watering Beach
Flinders Island: Lillies Bay
Flinders Island: Northeast River: mouth
Flinders Island: Parrys Bay: Double Corner
Flinders Island: Patriarch Beach
Flinders Island: Port Davies & Cave Beach
Flinders Island: Sawyers Bay
Flinders Island: Tanners Bay
Flinders Island: Tanners Bay: Pine Scrub
Flinders Island: Trousers Point
Flinders Island: White Beach to Dick Davey Shoal
Goat Island: foreshore of island and nearby mainland
Greens Beach: main beach
Hawley Beach: foreshore towards Point Sorell
Hunter Island: Shepherds Bay
King Island: Naracoopa: foreshore
King Island: Sea Elephant Bay: Cowper Point
King Island (unlocalised)
King Island: Yellow Rock Beach
Lauderdale: Roches Beach
Leith: foreshore
Leith: Lillico Beach
Low Head: Bellbuoy Beach
Marrawah (unlocalised)
Mayfield Beach to Mayfield Point
Narawntapu: Copper Cove
Narawntapu: Griffiths Point
Northdown Beach
Peggs Beach (unlocalised)
Peggs Beach: western end
Penguin: Lonah & Lodders Point
Penguin (unlocalised)
Pipers Head
Ransons Beach
Robbins Island: East Beach
Robbins Island: Ransonnet Bay
Rocky Cape: Castle Rock Bay
Rocky Cape: foreshore N of Picnic Beach
Rocky Cape: Forwards Beach
Rocky Cape: Mary Anne Cove area
Rocky Cape: Picnic Beach & rocks to S
Rocky Cape (unlocalised)
Sisters Beach
Somerset: foreshore
South coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
Stanley: Anthony Beach
Stanley: Halfmoon Bay
Stanley: Tatlows Beach
Tamar River: Kelso: foreshore
Tasmania (unlocalised)
Three Hummock Island: Coulomb Bay
Turners Beach
Waterhouse Beach
Waterhouse Island
West Ulverstone: foreshore
West Ulverstone: Picnic Point: beach to W
Weymouth: beach
Woolnorth: Woolnorth Point
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