Pyramidellidae – Odostomiinae: Chrysallida mayii (Tate, 1898) (‘May’s pyramid-shell’)
Synonym(s): mayii Tate, 1898.
Typical shell-length 2.5 mm. Lives subtidally as an ectoparasite of other invertebrates. Native. Endemic to southeastern and southwestern Australia (NSW, TAS, VIC, SA and WA).
Class: Gastropoda
Subclass: Heterobranchia
Order: Lower Heterobranchia
Superfamily: Pyramidelloidea
Family: Pyramidellidae
Subfamily: Odostomiinae
Genus: Chrysallida
Localities for Chrysallida mayii
Beechford: foreshore
Bicheno: Cod Rock
Cape Portland
Cape Portland: Home Beach
Cape Portland (unlocalised)
Eaglehawk Neck: eastern side
East Wynyard: beach
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Beach: southern end
Flinders Island: Lady Barron: Watering Beach
Flinders Island: Lady Barron: Yellow Beaches
Flinders Island: Palana Beach
Granville Harbour: coast to N
Greens Beach: main beach
Hawley Beach
Hawley Beach: foreshore towards Point Sorell
Hobart (unlocalised)
King Island: Fitzmaurice Bay
Lime Bay: Green Head
Maria Island: Bloodstone Point
Maria Island: Gulls Nest Point
Maria Island: Oyster Bay
New Harbour: beach
Nubeena: Parsons Bay
Nubeena: Roaring Beach
Orford: East Shelly Beach
Orford: Spring Beach
Orford: West Shelly Beach
Pirates Bay: middle rocks
Pirates Bay (unlocalised)
Port Arthur: Denmans Cove
Port Cygnet: Cray Point
Port Davey: Whalers Cove
Tamar River: Kelso: foreshore
Taroona: Alum Cliffs
Taroona Beach
Taroona: Dixons Beach
Tasmania (unlocalised)
The Gardens: Coffeys Gulch
Tinderbox Beach
Ulverstone (unlocalised)
Waterhouse Point