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Molluscs of Tasmania

Corbulidae – Corbulinae: Corbula (Notocorbula) tunicata Reeve, 1843 (‘gowned basket-shell’)

Synonym(s): tunicata Reeve, 1843 stolata Iredale, 1930 iredalei Cotton, 1930.

Typical shell-length 16 mm. Lives subtidally in sand and mud. Native. Endemic to southeastern Australia (NSW, TAS, VIC and SA). There are as yet no confirmed records of this species in Tasmanian waters, although its presence here would not be surprising.


Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Order: Myoida
Superfamily: Myoidea
Family: Corbulidae
Subfamily: Corbulinae
Genus: Corbula

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no coastal locality records for this species currently available