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Molluscs of Tasmania

Chilodontidae: Herpetopoma vixumbilicatum (Tate, 1893) (‘umbilicated top-shell’)

Synonym(s): vixumbilicatum Tate, 1893.

Typical shell-length 5.0 mm. Lives intertidally to offshore amongst rocks and seaweed. Native. Endemic to southeastern and southwestern Australia (NSW, TAS, VIC, SA and WA). There are as yet no confirmed records of this species in Tasmanian waters, although its presence here would not be surprising.


Class: Gastropoda
Subclass: Vetigastropoda
Order: Vetigastropoda
Superfamily: Seguenzioidea
Family: Chilodontidae
Genus: Herpetopoma

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no coastal locality records for this species currently available