Sepiolidae – Heteroteuthinae: Heteroteuthis (Stephanoteuthis) dagamensis Robson, 1924 (‘Serventy’s dumpling-squid’)
Synonym(s): dagamensis Robson, 1924 serventyi Allan, 1945.
Typical mantle-length 15 mm. Lives in offshore waters. Native. Endemic to southeastern Australia (NSW, TAS and VIC). In Tasmanian waters, this species occurs well offshore, with available records all from off the south and east coasts.
Class: Cephalopoda
Subclass: Coleoidea
Order: Sepiida
Superfamily: Sepiida – unplaced
Family: Sepiolidae
Subfamily: Heteroteuthinae
Genus: Heteroteuthis

no coastal locality records for this species currently available