Ischnochitonidae – Ischnochitoninae: Ischnochiton (Ischnoradsia) australis (G.B. Sowerby II, 1833) (‘southern chiton’)
Synonym(s): australis Blainville, 1825 novaehollandiae Reeve, 1847.
Typical shell-length 90 mm. Lives intertidally and subtidally under rocks and stones, especially those not embedded in sand on moderately sheltered shores. Native. Endemic to southern and eastern Australia (QLD, NSW, TAS, VIC and SA). In Tasmanian waters, this is a widespread and common species.
Class: Polyplacophora
Subclass: Chelodina
Order: Neoloricata
Superfamily: Ischnochitonina
Family: Ischnochitonidae
Subfamily: Ischnochitoninae
Genus: Ischnochiton
A-L Localities for Ischnochiton australis
Arthur River: Sarah Anne Rocks
Bangor: Lagoon Bay
Beerbarrel Beach
Bicheno: Courland Bay
Bicheno: Diamond Island
Bicheno: Redbill Beach
Bicheno: Rice Beach
Bicheno: Waubs Beach
Binalong Bay
Binalong Bay: gulches
Blackmans Bay
Black River Beach: northern end
Black River Beach: southern end
Boat Harbour: beach
Boltons Beach
Bridport: beach
Bridport: East Sandy Point
Brooks Bay: White Bluff
Burnie: Blythe Heads & estuary
Cape Portland: Home Beach
Cape Portland (unlocalised)
Carlton: Park Beach
Chain of Lagoons: Four Mile Creek: beach
Chain of Lagoons: Piccaninny Point
Clarke Island: Black Point
Clarke Island: Dip Point to Black Rocks
Clarke Island: Maclaines Bay
Clifton Beach: western end
Coles Bay: Gravelly Beach & Sleepy Bay
Coles Bay: Honeymoon Bay
Coles Bay: Parsons Cove
Coles Bay: Pine Point
Coles Bay (unlocalised)
Croppies Beach: northern end
Denison Beach: rocks at southern end
Denison Beach (unlocalised)
Dodges Ferry: Red Ochre Beach
Dover: beach
Dover: Roaring Bay Beach
Dunalley (unlocalised)
Eaglehawk Neck: eastern side
Earlham: foreshore
East Devonport: Pardoe Beach: The Water Rat
Eddystone Point (unlocalised)
Falmouth: foreshore
Falmouth: Mariposa Beach
Flinders Island: Killiecrankie: foreshore
Flinders Island: Northeast River: mouth
Flinders Island: Palana Beach
Flinders Island: Tanners Bay: Pine Scrub
Flinders Island: The Dock
Flinders Island: Trousers Point
Georges Bay: Blanche Point
Georges Bay: Burns Bay
Goose Island
Greens Beach: Friend Point
Greens Beach: main beach
Hawley Beach
Jacobs Boat Harbour
King Island: Cape Wickham: foreshore to E
King Island: City of Melbourne Bay
King Island: Colliers Beach
King Island: Disappointment Bay
King Island: Fitzmaurice Bay
King Island: Grassy Harbour
King Island: Naracoopa: foreshore
King Island: Red Hut Point
King Island: Seal Bay: Black Point
King Island: Seal Point
King Island: Surprise Bay
King Island (unlocalised)
Koonya: Shelly Beach
Lagoon River: mouth
Lauderdale: Roches Beach
Leven River: mouth
Lime Bay
Lime Bay: Green Head
Little Musselroe Bay: Tree Point area
Little Swanport: Saltworks Beach

M-Z Localities for Ischnochiton australis
Maria Island: Encampment Cove
Maria Island: Return Point
Maria Island: Trigonia Corner
Maria Island (unlocalised)
Marion Bay: Bream Creek foreshore
Marion Bay: northern beaches
Marrawah: Green Point
Marrawah: Green Point Beach
Mayfield Point to Little Christmas Island
Musselroe Point
Narawntapu: Bakers Beach
Ninepin Point
North Bruny Island: Dennes Point
North Bruny Island: Ford Bay
North coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
Nubeena: Roaring Beach
Orford: East Shelly Beach
Orford: Emerald Beach
Orford: Spring Beach
Orford (unlocalised)
Orford: West Shelly Beach
Peggs Beach: western end
Penguin (unlocalised)
Pirates Bay: middle rocks
Pittwater Bluff: foreshore to W
Planters Beach to Fishers Point
Point Hibbs
Port Arthur: Big Possum Beach
Port Arthur: Carnarvon Bay
Port Arthur (unlocalised)
Port Latta: Cowrie Point
Port Sorell (unlocalised)
Ransons Beach
Rheban Beach
Rocky Cape: Castle Rock Bay
Rocky Cape: Forwards Beach
Rocky Cape: Mary Anne Cove area
Scamander (unlocalised)
Schouten Island: Crocketts Bay
Schouten Island: Sandspit Point
Seymour Beach: northern end
Sloping Lagoon: Lagoon Beach
Snug Beach
Somerset: foreshore
South Arm: Fort Beach
South Bruny Island: Adventure Bay: Cemetery Bluff
South Bruny Island: Butlers Beach
South Bruny Island: Cloudy Beaches: eastern beach
South Bruny Island: Neck Beach: Blighs Rocks
South Cape Bay: Lion Rock: beach to SE
Stanley: Godfreys Beach
Swansea: Jubilee Beach
Swansea: Kelvedon Beach: Shelly Point
Tamar River: West Arm
Taroona: Alum Cliffs
Taroona Beach
Tasmania (unlocalised)
The Gardens: Coffeys Gulch
The Gardens: Cosy Corner
The Gardens: Mateys Gulch to Gardens Lagoon
The Gardens: Seatons Cove
The Gardens: Taylors Beach
Tinderbox Beach
Tinderbox: Piersons Point
Trial Harbour
Verona Sands
Woodbridge: foreshore & Birchs Point
Wynyard: Fossil Bluff