Veneridae – Tapetinae: Katelysia peronii (Lamarck, 1818) (‘Peron’s venus’)
Synonym(s): peronii Lamarck, 1818 aphrodinoides Lamarck, 1818 flamiculata Lamarck, 1818 victoriae Tenison-Woods, 1878.
Typical shell-length 40 mm. Shell outline almost rhomboid, and shell lacks radial striations but has prominent concentric ridges. Lives intertidally and subtidally in sand and mud, on sheltered shores. Native. Endemic to southeastern and southwestern Australia (TAS, VIC, SA and WA). In Tasmanian waters, this is a very local species, perhaps confined to the Bass Strait islands.
Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Order: Veneroida
Superfamily: Veneroidea
Family: Veneridae
Subfamily: Tapetinae
Genus: Katelysia
Localities for Katelysia peronii
Bridport (unlocalised)
Burnie: Blythe Heads & estuary
Clarke Island: Black Point – beach to N
Clarke Island: Kangaroo Bay to Seal Point
Clarke Island: Spike Bay
Eaglehawk Neck: eastern side
Flinders Island: Arthur Bay: Long Point
Flinders Island: Big Green Island
Flinders Island: East River Bluff
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Beach: southern end
Flinders Island: Killiecrankie: foreshore
Flinders Island: Lady Barron: Fisher Island
Flinders Island: Lady Barron: Watering Beach
Flinders Island: Lady Barron: Yellow Beaches
Flinders Island: Leeka: foreshore towards Twelve Hour Point
Flinders Island: Northeast River: mouth
Flinders Island: Patriarch Inlet
Flinders Island: Port Davies & Cave Beach
Flinders Island: Tanners Bay
Flinders Island: Tanners Bay: Pine Scrub
Flinders Island (unlocalised)
Flinders Island: Whitemark Beach
Freycinet Peninsula: Wineglass Bay
Georges Bay: Akaroa: foreshore
Greens Beach: main beach
Kingston Beach
Low Head (unlocalised)
Musselroe Point
North Bruny Island: Simmonds Bay
North coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
Pitt Water (unlocalised)
Port Arthur (unlocalised)
Port Sorell (unlocalised)
Rocky Cape: Mary Anne Cove area
Rocky Cape: Picnic Beach & rocks to S
Swansea (unlocalised)
Tamar River: Bell Bay: Deceitful Cove
Tamar River: George Town: She Oak Point area
Tamar River: Kelso: foreshore
Tasmania (unlocalised)
Wynyard (unlocalised)