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Molluscs of Tasmania

Mactridae – Lutrariinae: Lutraria (Psammophila) rhynchaena Jonas, 1844 (‘common otter-shell’)

Synonym(s): rhynchaena Jonas, 1844.

Typical shell-length 120 mm. Periostracum usually worn off in beached shells. Lives subtidally in sand and mud in sheltered and estuarine environments. Native. Endemic to southeastern Australia (NSW, TAS, VIC and SA). In Tasmanian waters, this species is restricted to the N coast and Bass Strait islands, where local and uncommon.


Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Order: Veneroida
Superfamily: Mactroidea
Family: Mactridae
Subfamily: Lutrariinae
Genus: Lutraria

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