Galeommatidae – Montacutinae: Montacutinae HUBER genus M6 trigonale (Tate, 1879) (‘angular lepton’)
Synonym(s): trigonale Tate, 1879.
Typical shell-length 3.2 mm. Lives subtidally and offshore in sand and mud. Native. Endemic to southeastern Australia (TAS, VIC and SA).
Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Order: Veneroida
Superfamily: Galeommatoidea
Family: Montacutidae
Subfamily: Montacutinae
Genus: Montacutinae
Localities for Montacutinae HUBER genus M6 trigonale
Bangor: Lagoon Bay
Bicheno: Cod Rock
Blackmans Bay
Black River Beach: southern end
Bridport (unlocalised)
Cape Portland: Roses Bay
Cape Portland (unlocalised)
East Kangaroo Island (unlocalised)
Flinders Island: Killiecrankie: foreshore
Flinders Island: Leeka: foreshore towards Twelve Hour Point
Fortescue Bay
Greens Beach: main beach
Hawley Beach: foreshore towards Point Sorell
King Island: Colliers Beach
King Island: Currie Harbour
King Island: Fitzmaurice Bay
King Island: Little Porky Beach
Little Swanport: mouth
Low Head (unlocalised)
Maria Island: Bloodstone Point
Maria Island: Oyster Bay
Maria Island: Trigonia Corner
Marrawah: West Point
New Harbour
North coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
North West coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
Nubeena: White Beach
Okehampton Bay (unlocalised)
Orford: Spring Beach
Port Arthur: Denmans Cove
Port Arthur: Safety Cove
Port Davey: Whalers Cove
Stanley: Perkins Bay & West Inlet
Stanley: Tatlows Beach
Tamar River: Bell Bay: power-station jetty
Tamar River: Kelso: foreshore
Tasmania (unlocalised)
Tomahawk Island