Mytilidae: Musculus (Modiolarca) impactus (Hermann, 1782) (‘nesting mussel’)
Synonym(s): impactus Hermann, 1782.
Typical shell-length 30 mm. Lives subtidally and offshore amongst rocks and seaweed. Native. Occurs in southeastern and southwestern Australia (QLD, NSW, TAS, VIC, SA and WA); also New Zealand. In Tasmanian waters, this is a widespread species; most common in the N, where the largest shells occur.
Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Pteriomorphia
Order: Mytiloida
Superfamily: Mytiloidea
Family: Mytilidae
Genus: Musculus
A-L Localities for Musculus impactus
Bangor: Lagoon Bay
Bay of Fires: Break Yoke Beach to Pebbly Beach
Beechford: foreshore
Bicheno: Cod Rock
Bicheno: Redbill Beach
Black River Beach
Black River Beach: northern end
Black River Beach: southern end
Boat Harbour
Boat Harbour: beach
Boltons Beach
Bridport: Adams Beach
Bridport: beach
Bridport: East Sandy Point
Bridport: Lades Beach
Bridport (unlocalised)
Burnie: Blythe Heads & estuary
Burnie (unlocalised)
Cape Barren Island: Bungs Beach
Cape Barren Island: Kenneth Point
Cape Portland: Lanoma Point
Cape Portland: Roses Bay
Carlton: Park Beach
Clarke Island: Black Point
Clarke Island: Kangaroo Bay to Seal Point
Clarke Island: Maclaines Bay
Clarke Island: Moriarty Bay
Clarke Island: South Head
Cremorne: Pipe Clay Lagoon
Croppies Point
Denison Beach: Porch Rocks
Denison Beach (unlocalised)
D’Entrecasteaux Channel (unlocalised)
Derwent channel
Devonport: Coles Beach
Devonport: Don Heads
Dunalley Bay
Earlham: foreshore
East Devonport: beach & breakwater
East Devonport: Berth 2
East Devonport: Pardoe Beach
East Devonport: Pardoe Point
Eastern Frederick Henry Bay: ACMA Asterias survey Stn 15
East Ulverstone
East Ulverstone: Buttons Beach
Electrona: Peggys Beach
Flinders Island: Badger Corner
Flinders Island: Beach S of Big River Road
Flinders Island: Big River Cove
Flinders Island: Foochow Beach
Flinders Island: Foochow Inlet
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Bay
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Beach: southern end
Flinders Island: Killiecrankie Bay (unlocalised)
Flinders Island: Killiecrankie: foreshore
Flinders Island: Lillies Bay
Flinders Island: Northeast River: mouth
Flinders Island: Palana Beach
Flinders Island: Patriarch Beach
Flinders Island: The Dock
Flinders Island: Trousers Point
Fortescue Bay
Franklin Sound area
Garden Island Sands
Georges Bay: Burns Bay
Greens Beach: main beach
Hawley Beach: foreshore towards Point Sorell
Herbies Landing
Hobart: ANM wharf area
Hobart: Sullivans Cove area
King Island: Cape Wickham: foreshore to E
King Island: Yellow Rock Beach
Kingston Beach
Lat -40.5S Long 148.18E Kangaroo Bay, Clarke Island, Furneaux Group, Banks Strait
Lauderdale: Roches Beach
Lauderdale: Seven Mile Beach
Leith: Lillico Beach
Lime Bay
Little Musselroe Bay: Tree Point area
Little Swanport: Saltworks Beach
Low Head: Lagoon Beach
Low Head (unlocalised)

M-Z Localities for Musculus impactus
Maria Island: Bloodstone Point
Maria Island: Howells Point & Painted Cliffs
Maria Island: Shoal Bay: McRaes Isthmus
Maria Island: Trigonia Corner
Marrawah (unlocalised)
Mayfield Point to Little Christmas Island
Middleton: foreshore
Musselroe Point
Narawntapu: Bakers Beach
Narawntapu: Bakers Point & Springlawn Beach
Narawntapu: Griffiths Point
Narawntapu: Little Badger Head
Nine Mile Beach & Dolphin Sands
North coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
Nubeena: White Beach
Orford: Spring Beach
Pirates Bay: near landing
Port Cygnet: Sandrock Bay
Port Latta: Cowrie Point
Port Sorell: beach
Port Sorell (unlocalised)
Ransons Beach
Robbins Island: East Beach
Robbins Island: Marys Island area
Rocky Cape: Anniversary Bay
Rocky Cape: Castle Rock Bay
Rocky Cape: foreshore N of Picnic Beach
Seymour Beach: northern end
Shearwater: Freers Beach
Sisters Beach
Sloping Lagoon: Lagoon Beach
Snug Beach
South Arm: Fort Beach
South Bruny Island: Adventure Bay: East Cove
South Bruny Island: Cloudy Bay Lagoon
South Bruny Island: Cloudy Beaches: eastern beach
South coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
South East coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
Stanley: Circular Head
Stanley: foreshore
Stanley: Godfreys Beach
Stanley: Tatlows Beach
Swanwick: foreshore
Tamar River: Bell Bay: power-station jetty
Tamar River: George Town (unlocalised)
Tamar River: Kelso: foreshore
Taroona: Alum Cliffs
Taroona Beach
Taroona: Dixons Beach
Taroona: Hinsby Beach
Tasmania (unlocalised)
The Gardens: Cosy Corner
The Gardens: Swimcart Beach
Three Hummock Island: Coulomb Bay
Three Hummock Island: Mermaid Bay
Three Hummock Island: Rape Bay
Three Hummock Island: Three Gullies Bay
Three Hummock Island: Three Gullies Bay: northern end
Three Hummock Island: Three Gullies Bay: southern end
Tomahawk Beach
Triabunna: Plain Place Beach
Turners Beach
Verona Sands
Walker Island
Waterhouse Island
Waterhouse Point
West Devonport: Berth 3
Woodbridge: Flowerpot