Veneridae – Venerinae: Tawera gallinula (Lamarck, 1818) (‘feathered venus’)
Synonym(s): gallinula Lamarck, 1818 costulata Wood, 1828 tasmanica Reeve, 1864.
Typical shell-length 35 mm. A less solid shell than T. lagopus, and generally darker: brown chevrons often cover the entire shell surface, though they can be confined to distinct radial zones. The concentric ridges are prominent, with at most very fine striae. Interior purple in worn specimens, otherwise white. Lives subtidally and offshore in sand, especially in moderately exposed environments. Native. Endemic to southeastern and southwestern Australia (NSW, TAS, VIC, SA and WA). In Tasmanian waters, this is a widespread and common species.
Class: Bivalvia
Subclass: Heterodonta
Order: Veneroida
Superfamily: Veneroidea
Family: Veneridae
Subfamily: Venerinae
Genus: Tawera
A-L Localities for Tawera gallinula
Bangor: Lagoon Bay
Bangor: Two Mile Beach
Bathurst Channel: Schooner Cove
Bathurst Channel: Wombat Cove
Bay of Fires: Break Yoke Beach to Pebbly Beach
Beaumaris Beach
Beaumaris: Shelly Point
Beechford: foreshore
Beerbarrel Beach
Bicheno: Cod Rock
Bicheno: Courland Bay
Bicheno: Diamond Island
Bicheno: Redbill Beach
Bicheno: Rice Beach
Bicheno: Waubs Beach
Binalong Bay
Binalong Bay: beach
Binalong Bay: Dora Point
Blackmans Bay
Black River Beach
Black River Beach: northern end
Black River Beach: southern end
Boltons Beach
Bridport: Adams Beach
Bridport: beach
Bridport: East Sandy Point
Bridport: Lades Beach
Bridport (unlocalised)
Bruny Island: Neck Beach
Bruny Island (unlocalised)
Burnie: Blythe Heads & estuary
Burnie: foreshore
Burnie (unlocalised)
Calverts Beach & Goats Bluff
Cape Barren Island: Burgess Bay
Cape Barren Island: Petticoat Bay
Cape Barren Island: SE of Tar Point
Cape Barren Island: Thunder & Lightning Bay
Cape Portland: Lanoma Point
Cape Portland: Lemons Beach
Cape Portland: Petal Point
Cape Portland: Roses Bay
Carlton Beach: Spectacle Island
Carlton: Park Beach
Chain of Lagoons
Chain of Lagoons: Four Mile Creek: beach
Chain of Lagoons: Little Beach
Chain of Lagoons: Piccaninny Point
Clarke Island: Black Point
Clifton Beach (unlocalised)
Clifton Beach: western end
Cockle Creek Bay
Coles Bay: foreshore
Coles Bay: Honeymoon Bay
Coles Bay: Muirs Beach
Coles Bay: Parsons Cove
Coles Bay: Richardsons Beach
Coles Bay (unlocalised)
Coningham Beach
Coningham: foreshore
Connellys Bay
Cooee Beach
Cremorne: foreshore
Croppies Beach: northern end
Croppies Point
Denison Beach: Porch Rocks
Denison Beach: rocks at southern end
Denison Beach (unlocalised)
Derwent Estuary: ACMA Asterias survey Stn 20
Derwent Estuary: ACMA Asterias survey Stn 27
Derwent Estuary: ACMA Asterias survey Stn 28
Derwent Estuary: ACMA Asterias survey Stn 29
Detention River & Pebbly Bay
Devonport: Bluff Beach
De Witt Island
Dianas Beach (unlocalised)
Dodges Ferry: Okines Beach
Dodges Ferry: Red Ochre Beach
Douglas River: beach
Dover: Kents Beach
Dover: Roaring Bay Beach
Eaglehawk Neck: eastern side
Earlham: foreshore
East Devonport: Moorland Beach
Eastern Frederick Henry Bay: ACMA Asterias survey Stn 16
East Ulverstone
East Ulverstone: Buttons Beach
E coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
Falmouth: foreshore
Falmouth: Mariposa Beach
Flinders Island: Beach S of Big River Road
Flinders Island: Cameron Inlet
Flinders Island: E coast (unlocalised)
Flinders Island: Emita: foreshore
Flinders Island: Foochow Beach
Flinders Island: Foochow Inlet
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Bay
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Beach: southern end
Flinders Island: Killiecrankie: foreshore
Flinders Island: Lillies Bay
Flinders Island: Logan Lagoon
Flinders Island: Northeast River: mouth
Flinders Island: Palana Beach
Flinders Island: Patriarch Beach
Flinders Island: Port Davies & Cave Beach
Flinders Island: Trousers Point
Flinders Island: Trousers Point: beach
Flinders Island: White Beach to Dick Davey Shoal
Fortescue Bay
Frederick Henry Bay: Sloping Island
Frederick Henry Bay (unlocalised)
Freycinet Peninsula: Bryans Beach
Freycinet Peninsula: Cooks Beach
Freycinet Peninsula: Hazards Beach
Freycinet Peninsula (unlocalised)
Freycinet Peninsula: Wineglass Bay
Friendly Beaches
Georges Bay: Blanche Point
Georges Bay: Burns Bay
Georges Bay: St Helens (unlocalised)
Georges Bay (unlocalised)
Granville Harbour
Great Musselroe Bay
Greens Beach: main beach
Greens Beach: Nudists Beach
Hawley Beach: foreshore towards Point Sorell
Hellyer Beach
Herbies Landing
Howrah Beach
Hunter Island: Cave Bay
King Island: Cape Wickham: foreshore to E
King Island: Colliers Beach
King Island: Disappointment Bay
King Island: Grassy Harbour
King Island: Lavinia Beach: beach nr Lake Martha Lavinia
King Island: Naracoopa: foreshore
King Island: S coast (unlocalised)
King Island: Sea Elephant Bay: Blowhole
King Island: Sea Elephant Bay: Cowper Point
King Island: Yellow Rock Beach
Kingston Beach
Koonya: Shelly Beach
Lauderdale: Roches Beach
Lauderdale: Seven Mile Beach
Lime Bay
Lime Bay: Green Head
Little Musselroe Bay: northern end
Little Musselroe Bay: Tree Point area
Little Peggs Beach
Little Swanport: Saltworks Beach
Little Swanport (unlocalised)
Low Head: East Beach
Low Head (unlocalised)

M-Z Localities for Tawera gallinula
Maria Island: Bloodstone Beach
Maria Island: Coxswain Creek: foreshore
Maria Island: Darlington Bay
Maria Island: Encampment Cove
Maria Island: Four Mile Beach
Maria Island: Hopground Beach
Maria Island: Oyster Bay
Maria Island: Point Lesueur
Maria Island: Shoal Bay: McRaes Isthmus
Maria Island: Soldiers Beach
Maria Island: Trigonia Corner
Marion Bay: Bream Creek foreshore
Marion Bay: northern beaches
Marion Bay (unlocalised)
Marrawah (unlocalised)
Mayfield Beach to Mayfield Point
Mayfield Point to Little Christmas Island
Mercury Passage: ACMA Asterias survey Stn 07
Monk Bay
Musselroe: Cape Naturaliste
Musselroe Point
Narawntapu: Badger Beach
Narawntapu: Bakers Beach
Narawntapu: Bakers Point & Springlawn Beach
Narawntapu: Griffiths Point
Narawntapu: Little Badger Head
Nine Mile Beach & Dolphin Sands
Norfolk Bay: Lime Bay: ACMA Asterias survey Stn 19
North Bruny Island: Bull Bay
North Bruny Island: Miles Beach
North Bruny Island: Nebraska Beach
Northdown Beach
Nubeena: Roaring Beach
Nubeena: White Beach
Okehampton Bay (unlocalised)
Opossum Bay: The Spit & Shelly Beach
Orford: Millingtons Beach
Orford: Raspins Beach
Orford: Shelly Beach (unlocalised)
Orford: Spring Beach
Orford (unlocalised)
Peggs Beach: eastern end
Peggs Beach (unlocalised)
Peggs Beach: western end
Penguin: Lonah & Lodders Point
Pipers Head
Pirates Bay (unlocalised)
Planters Beach to Fishers Point
Port Arthur: Big Possum Beach
Port Arthur: Crescent Bay
Port Arthur: Denmans Cove
Port Arthur: Safety Cove
Port Arthur: Stinking Bay
Port Arthur (unlocalised)
Port Davey: Bond Bay
Port Sorell (unlocalised)
Primrose Sands
Randalls Bay
Ransons Beach
Rheban Beach
Robbins Island: Ransonnet Bay
Rocky Cape: Burgess Cove
Rocky Cape: Castle Rock Bay
Rocky Cape: foreshore N of Picnic Beach
Rocky Cape: Forwards Beach
Rocky Cape: Mary Anne Cove area
Rocky Cape: Picnic Beach & rocks to S
Rocky Cape (unlocalised)
Scamander (unlocalised)
Scamander: Wrinklers Beach
Schouten Island: Crocketts Bay
Schouten Island: Moreys Bay
Schouten Island: Sandspit Point
Seymour Beach: northern end
Shearwater: Freers Beach
Sisters Beach
Sloping Lagoon: Lagoon Beach
Sloping Main Beach
Sloping Main: Black Jack Point
Smithton: Duck River mouth
Smithton: Perkins Island
Snug Beach
Somerset: foreshore
South Arm: Fort Beach
South Arm: Hope Beach: southern end
South Arm: Mary Ann Beach & Gellibrand Point
South Bruny Island: Adventure Bay: East Cove
South Bruny Island: Adventure Bay: northern end
South Bruny Island: Adventure Bay: southern end
South Bruny Island: Adventure Bay: Two Tree Point
South Bruny Island: Adventure Bay (unlocalised)
South Bruny Island: Butlers Beach
South Bruny Island: Cloudy Beaches: eastern beach
South Bruny Island: Cloudy Beaches: western beach
South Bruny Island: Great Taylors Bay
South coast of Tasmania (unlocalised)
South Croppies Point
Southport: Big Lagoon Beach
Southport Bluff: beach
Southport Lagoon: southern end
Southport: Roaring Beach
Stanley: Anthony Beach
Stanley: Circular Head
Stanley: foreshore
Stanley: Godfreys Beach
Stanley: Tatlows Beach
Stanley (unlocalised)
Stumpys Bay (unlocalised)
Swansea: Coswell Beach
Swansea: Cressy Beach
Swansea: Jubilee Beach
Swansea: Kelvedon Beach
Swansea: Kelvedon Beach: Shelly Point
Swansea: Kennedia Beach
Swansea: Lisdillon Beach
Swansea: Spiky Beach
Swansea (unlocalised)
Swanwick: foreshore
Tamar River: Bell Bay (unlocalised)
Tamar River: heads
Tamar River: Swan Bay
Taroona: Alum Cliffs
Taroona Beach
Taroona: Dixons Beach
Tasmania (unlocalised)
The Gardens: Coffeys Gulch
The Gardens: Cosy Corner
The Gardens: Seatons Cove
The Gardens: Swimcart Beach
The Gardens: Taylors Beach
Three Hummock Island: Coulomb Bay
Three Hummock Island: East Telegraph Beach
Three Hummock Island: Sandy Spit
Three Hummock Island: Spiers Bay: Spiers Nook
Three Hummock Island: Three Gullies Bay
Three Hummock Island: West Telegraph Beach
Tinderbox Beach
Triabunna: Plain Place Beach
Trial Harbour: Ocean Beach to S
Turners Beach
Verona Sands
Walker Island
Waterhouse Island
West Ulverstone: foreshore
Weymouth: beach
Wykeholm Point & Bay