Fissurellidae – Emarginulinae: Tugali cicatricosa A. Adams, 1852 (‘scarred notch-limpet’)
Synonym(s): cicatricosa A. Adams, 1851.
Typical shell-length 30 mm. Lives subtidally and offshore under rocks and stones. Native. Endemic to southeastern and southwestern Australia (TAS, VIC, SA and WA).
Class: Gastropoda
Subclass: Vetigastropoda
Order: Vetigastropoda
Superfamily: Fissurelloidea
Family: Fissurellidae
Subfamily: Emarginulinae
Genus: Tugali
Subclass: Vetigastropoda
Order: Vetigastropoda
Superfamily: Fissurelloidea
Family: Fissurellidae
Subfamily: Emarginulinae
Genus: Tugali
Localities for Tugali cicatricosa
Bridport: beach
Bridport: Ninth Island
Cape Portland: Lanoma Point
Croppies Beach: northern end
Devonport: Bluff Beach
Flinders Island: Emita: foreshore
Flinders Island: Fotheringate Bay
Flinders Island: Lady Barron: Fisher Island
Flinders Island: Lady Barron (unlocalised)
Flinders Island: Northeast River: mouth
Flinders Island: Palana Beach
Flinders Island: Tanners Bay
Hawley Beach
King Island: Colliers Beach
King Island: Lavinia Beach: beach nr Lake Martha Lavinia
King Island: Naracoopa: foreshore
King Island: Yellow Rock Beach
Lulworth: Tam O”Shanter Bay
Narawntapu: Griffiths Point
Narawntapu: Penguin Island
Narawntapu: West Head
Rocky Cape: Castle Rock Bay
South Burnie
Tasmania (unlocalised)
Three Hummock Island: Three Gullies Bay
Three Hummock Island: Three Gullies Bay: northern end
Ulverstone (unlocalised)